Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Saving the Universe in Fairview, Mt Pleasant, and Fountain Green

If you ever have the chance, I highly recommend taking the US-6 exit in Spanish Fork off I-15, then go south at the US-89 junction until you hit Mt. Pleasant, go west on SR-116 then at Moroni head NW on SR-139 through Fountain Green and back to I-15.
Total travel time: 1.5 - 2 hrs.
[These pictures were taken in the last 3 weeks. They are not sequential but they are more or less in the order you would see them if you were to make the drive.]

An odd looking morning as I begin my drive.

New windmills going up at the mouth of Spanish Fork Canyon. They may look small...

But as you can see they're ginormous.

...and pretty in the right sunlight.

The landslide at Thistle Creek.
The backed up water had a bit of an impact...

Here's a victim. This house is on the opposite side of the hill to the left of the landslide.

I've seen better locations for sheds. There's actually a lot of destruction from the landslide and the ensuing flooding that's still visible. Abandoned homes, dead trees and the like.

Breathtakingly beautiful countryside.

But watch for falling rocks.

Found 18 miles east of Fairview.

Carbon footprint.

...aaaaand we're done. Now wasn't that a lovely little drive?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Nicest Day of the Year So Far

So why not spend some time on the golf course?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Saving the World in American Fork

Today my work took me to the Main St. exit in American Fork.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Ain't nothing wrong with spending a Sunday with some friends in Kamas, UT.