Sunday, August 19, 2007

Just Because They've Broken A Law And Are From Another Country Doesn't Make Them Illegal Aliens

First, some back-story. On August 7th, in Glendale, AZ (why have all three of my most important blogs come from Glendale?), 40 illegal aliens (not undocumented migrants, illegal aliens) were found in a home when one of them escaped from the coyotes holding them captive and told a neighbor. Here's some video from A pretty big huff was made about it when it happened and, since I was bored yesterday, I decided to make the drive to the house.

As I type this, WGN just told me that Arellano, that lady who came here illegally, was ordered to leave in 1997, then didn’t, had a kid, and locked herself up in a church in Chicago to avoid deportation is being sent back to Mexico. Which reminds me, why in the world do sanctuary cities exist? How does the concept of we don’t have to enforce that law in our city seem logical to any self-respecting city? Does the concept expand to other crimes as well? Can Phoenix be a sanctuary city for bank robbers? If you want illegal aliens in your city, be my guest. See how well that works out. Back to the real story.
[Update: And when I say update, I mean I actually did a little more research into this story than half-listening to a WGN news clip. Turns out Arellano was deported in '97 but then came back. She was arrested in LA outside of a church and will be prosecuted and sent back to Mexico. For how little we Americans seem to care about breaking up illegal families, I wonder how much thought she put into the consequences of her own actions.]

I have a friend that lives about 30 seconds from the house of the illegal aliens (literally 30 seconds, it's that exact neighborhood) and I had just seen him at his house the day before. I didn’t realize that, however, until after I had driven aimlessly two and a half miles north of the actual road. Guess I should learn a street name or two.

So I find the house, and much to my surprise, there were about 5 cars parked in the driveway and on the street. Who are these hopefully soon to be imprisoned landlords that rent to coyotes? Well whoever they are, they look like they’re cleaning the place up. What I found odd about the whole scene was this big van that either had black garbage bags taped to the inside of the windows or the opaque tinting was starting to come off.

Sorry about the blurry pictures. I wasn't exactly in the mood to stop and gawk at this home.

Any illegal activity going on through that window? No, just some walls.

Here's the nefarious looking van with the plastic bag windows. How inconspicuous is one of these vans as they cross the border?

The end. And I'm still the most important thing to ever happen to Glendale. Me:3 Glendale:0

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